Plastics for gold


Plastics are the most used group of materials in the world yet they are seldom given a second thought. This exhibition focuses on plastics in relation to the London Olympic and Paralympic Games. It explores how plastics can contribute to sporting achievement and the part they have played in aspects of London 2012's sustainability agenda: especially the commitment to deliver a zero waste games, to foster multiculturalism, and to inspire people to take up sport and develop active and healthy lifestyles.

Plastics for Gold has been granted the Inspire mark by the London 2012 Inspire programme. The London 2012 Inspire programme recognises innovative and exceptional projects that are directly inspired by the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Seb Coe, Chair of the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games said: 'Plastics for Gold is encouraging people to understand the role of plastics in sport and their contribution more widely to London 2012. I am proud that with the help of partners such as MoDiP, we are delivering our vision to use the power of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games to boost understanding of design for sport and how plastics can contribute to sustainability.'