
Summer Olympics 2024

24 July 2024
Officially starting in 3 days’ time, the Summer Olympics 2024 are nearly upon us. As we chat during teatime in the office, much of the conversation turns to these games and the excitement they entail. These conversations also tend to skew towards plastics (we can’t help ourselves) and the new ways...
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Latest exhibition: Rethread

17 July 2024
Our latest exhibition, Rethread , opened recently and it is always such a joy to see different objects being shown off in all of their glory. The exhibition topic was inspired by the PSSN (Plastics Subject Specialist Network) and DATS (Dress and Textiles network) project A Curator's Guide to...
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Rethread - Guess the material

10 July 2024
Its installation week for our new exhibition, Rethread. As we get everything set up and fitted, we thought it would be fun to give you all a teaser of some of objects on display. Below are some close-up photos of four collection items, all made with uncommon and sustainable materials. Can you guess...
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Seen and unseen - Last chance

3 July 2024
Hello all, It has been a very busy past few weeks for the MoDiP team as we prepare to launch our new exhibition. This exhibition, Rethread , focuses on the use of sustainable materials and methods in the fashion and textile industry. Items that were manufactured using biobased materials or...
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Seen and unseen - Traffic signals

26 June 2024
RED means ‘Stop’. Wait behind the stop line on the carriageway RED AND AMBER also means ‘Stop’. Do not pass through or start until GREEN shows GREEN means you may go on if the way is clear. Take special care if you intend to turn left or right and give way to pedestrians who are crossing AMBER means...
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EarthPercent Evovinyl

19 June 2024
Hello all, Today we have a post for all of the music lovers and record collectors out there. One of our recent additions to the collection is a limited-edition vinyl made entirely out of Evovinyl ( AIBDC : 009967 ), a bioplastic/plant-based polymer developed by Evolution Music. This vinyl was...
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Seen and unseen - On the road

12 June 2024
When was the last time you looked at a traffic cone? I mean, really considered it. Have you thought about how was it made, what is it doing, how did it get where it is? Well, now is your chance. We have a cone on display in our current exhibition, Seen and unseen . The first traffic cone as we know...
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Museum Week 2024 - Biodiversity

5 June 2024
This week we are celebrating museums and cultural organizations around the globe by participating in Museum Week 2024. Each day of this week is set apart with a unique theme that encourages art and culture centres, such as MoDiP, to highlight aspects of their collection and everyday activities...
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Picnic with MoDiP

29 May 2024
Hello all, I hope you enjoyed an extended bank holiday weekend. While trying to think of a topic for the blog post last week, my mind kept redirecting towards my own plans for the bank holiday which gave me an idea: A picnic inspired by MoDiP. The MoDiP collection is filled with a wide variety of...
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Seen and unseen - Warning

22 May 2024
As part of our series of blog posts relating to our Seen and unseen exhibition, I am taking a closer look at the Warning case particularly the Utility barrier. The utility or manhole barrier acts as a warning sign and obstruction to prevent pedestrians from falling into a hole in the ground created...
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