
Enzo Mari exhibition

15 May 2024
A few weeks ago, the MoDiP staff visited the Enzo Mari retrospective, displayed at the Design Museum in London. The exhibition, curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Francesca Giacomelli, focuses on the extensive and exploratory career of Enzo Mari with emphasis on his belief of the social...
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Seen and unseen - Outside

8 May 2024
MoDiP has been really lucky to have had some amazing donations over the years. Sometimes these include objects that we wouldn’t have dreamt that we could have been able to acquire. One such object is on display in our current exhibition, Seen and unseen . The panel on display in the ‘Outside’ case...
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Mystery of the Paliwear Cascelloid coat

1 May 2024
Hello all, A recent donation to our collection has sparked interest and amusement among the MoDiP team as we have very limited information on its production and every research attempt, thus far, has led to a dead end. Researching the origins and history of objects in our collection is one of my...
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Seen and unseen - Mind your head

24 April 2024
A brief look at cycle helmets The brain injury charity, Headway, state that cycle helmets can save lives and prevent people sustain lifelong brain injury. The hard shell is designed to spread the force of an impact over a broader area which reduces the likelihood of the skull fracturing. The softer...
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Fisholow Plasticrate

10 April 2024
We have recently received a very interesting donation of a Fisholow Plasticrate from one of our regular researchers, Roger Walker. This yellow crate was constructed for Fisher and Ludlow Ltd. out of polyethylene on The Projectile & Engineering Company Ltd. (Peco) 60 MR injection moulding machine...
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Seen and unseen - Microplastics

3 April 2024
One of the themes in our current exhibition, Seen and unseen , is Microplastics . I thought I would use this blog post to think about what microplastics are and why they are an issue. The case is particularly looking at microfibres which are shed from our clothing. Microplastics are released into...
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House of Commons visit

27 March 2024
On Monday 18th March, my colleague Dr Christian McLening, Director of Research and Development at AUB, and I were invited to join the University of Birmingham at the launch of their Sustainable Plastics Policy Commission at the House of Commons, London. We were invited on the back of our successful...
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Bright Horizons: Eco-plastic Detectives

20 March 2024
Last week we had the pleasure of welcoming the Talbot Woods Bright Horizons Nursery group to explore the magic of plastics and benefits of recycling. Our program began with a tour of the library where the students were dazzled by the current library exhibit, Strange Nature: Costumes Inspired by...
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Seen and unseen - Utilities

13 March 2024
The aim of the Seen and unseen exhibition is to show objects that are we perhaps don’t see even though they might be right in front of us, we don’t notice them or pay them much attention. It also has objects that are literally part of the hidden infrastructure that we don’t see because it is under...
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European House of History - External Loan

6 March 2024
Recently some of our objects have been featured at the European House of History in their temporary exhibit, Throwaway. “Throwaway” is a project that unearths the hidden history of waste in Europe while simultaneously highlighting its significance as a marker of social change. Starting with the...
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