Sitting… on the move

The earliest recorded form of wheeled transportation for babies and infants was developed in the 1730s by the Englishman, William Kent.  Originally it was designed to be drawn by a small pony, dog, or goat.  Later designs had a handle with which it could be pushed by an adult.

The perambulator did not become an everyday item until Queen Victoria increased its popularity by acquiring a number of them for her own children. From that time onwards there have been many designs of baby carriages as they continue to evolve with parents aspiring to the most up-to-date models.  Modern requirements are that it should be strong, lightweight, manoeuvrable and adaptable.

The Greentom Upp (1) adds another dimension in that it is produced sustainably using recycled materials and assembled locally. The lightweight frame is made from 100% recycled polypropylene (PP) and the textile seat, hood and shopping carrier are made from 100% recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles. 


This stroller was conceived by Dutch industrial designer Bart Bost. It was awarded the Innovation Award at the Kind und Jugend show in Cologne in 2013 and the BANTA (Baby and Nursery Trades Awards) best new product award in 2014. At the end if its life the Greentom Upp can be recycled.

Sitting... with a little help >