
The following work was inspired by a radio.

Katherine Harnett


Katherine Harnett

The Innovation project entitled Household Geometrics encouraged me to be different and consider textiles in a new and exciting way. We were encouraged to play to our strengths while also being introduced to new techniques in print, stitch and manipulation processes which we were expected to use in an innovative style.

When gathering the initial imagery for this project, I was inspired by details within the MoDiP collection, in particular, the back of a radio that had very structured uniform lines. The drawings that I produced from this inspired my block colour/shape prints. My geometric 'Star' shape print was also inspired by the handle of a teacup from the MoDiP collection that I had drawn using only straight lines.

To begin with I wanted to focus on being innovative with my print but as the project progressed, I found that I was feeling more inspired by the manipulation of paper, particularly origami shapes. This resulted in using my prints as a source of colour and texture and my innovation moved towards scale, placement and shape.

Freeze board >