Objective objects

Objective objects, thinking outside the box, literally, is a project run with Interior Architecture and Design year 01 (level 04) students.

Learning aims

  • To encourage the appropriate use of workshop techniques and processes.
  • To develop an understanding into the relationship between objects and space: scale.
  • To develop an understanding into the opportunities and limitations to design in the use of materials.
  • To develop the use of methods of measurement and communication in relation to the design of enclosed spaces.
  • To develop an historic and contextual rationale to the importance and effects of objects within enclosed spaces.

Learning Outcomes

  • An understanding of the relationship between objects and space in terms of their scale, proportion and the nature of their enclosure.
  • An appreciation of the inherent limitations and opportunities presented in designing with materials.
  • Understaing of appropriatemethods of measurement and visual communication in relation to the design of enclosed spaces.
  • Understanding of workshop techniques and procedures.
  • Understanding of the role that objects have and do play in the design of enclosed spaces.

The project

Most interior architecture and design projects revolve around the interaction of people within a space and the objects that they bring with them. However for this one, the students' first project, they are asked to consider simply the nature of objects in space, in particular their size, form, material, colour, texture, proportion, scale, context and above all the nature of 'enclosure'. Each student is given a particular museum object and a case within the museum in which to display it. The purpose of their presentation of the object is to aid in or add to the interpretation of the object.

The students have no choice in the selection of their object or the space in which it is to be displayed. They have to take into consideration the requirments of the the curators of the museum and therefore gain experience of working with a live client. They also experience teamworking in the presentation of their work as a single coherent exhibition.

Each cohort of students has been given artefacts of a single colour to provide a sense of identity to the ensuing exhibition. You can see examples of the work of the different cohorts here: