
Mark Allner


Mark Allner

The idea of the award winning Hoke2 design team is to create innovative and refreshing products that can and should make shaving fun and a whole lot more that a daily chore.

The shape of the razor lends itself very realistically to the shape of a snowboard and the snowboarder carving a swathe down the mountain represents the human driven swathe cut through the hirsute nature of the (moutain peak) leg.

This reinterpreation demonstrates the liberating aspect of freeing oneself from the claustrophobic nature of unwanted body hair in the context of snowboarding which is one of the most innovative, refreshing, fun and non-chore like activities on the planet.


Mark Allner

To find out more about the object used in this display click here.

Matt Hollis


Matt Hollis

This fly swat is call 'Dr Skud' because it sold like a bomb.

It has lost most of its use as a fly swat since being re-designed by Starck, and now serves as more a piece of design-art. I have displayed ithe swat by representing it as a nuclear missile. The idea came from an interview with Starck, in which he stated that it is 'kinder to the planet than chemical sprays', and that after becoming a vegetarian he was 'no longer happy to kill flies'. I have decided to draw a parallel with the bomb, as it is 'kinder' to the planet in its role as deterrent against war. It is ironic that Starck created a killing machine, but as it has evolved into a piece of art, it has become less functional, and Starck's ideals can be upheld. The writing on the sign of the protester is a quote from the interview.


Matt Hollis

To find out more about the object used in this display click here.

Hannah Joyce


Hannah Joyce

This is not just a swimming costume. Within my research I identified that this type of garment can be associated with modesty for some people. A person who is not comfortable with their shape or appearance may have a desire to cover up and conceal parts of their body that they would not normally reveal. I have suggested the idea of 'concealment' through the use of tights/elastic. Although these obscure the garment, it is also possible to see though them, giving a hint of what is behind. Properties of nylon include strength, elasticity, and translucency. Stockings were one of the first products to be produced from nylon as a cheaper substitute for silk.

With the cross hatch effect of the tights, I have created 'peep-holes', which are strategically placed in order to conceal the most 'vulnerable' areas.


Hannah Joyce

To find out more about the object used in this display click here.

Ryan Baker


Ryan Baker

Behind this presentation is an idea that came from research into the trade in bear body parts in the Far East. Shockingly, bears are captured and confined in cramp cages. Bile from their gall-bladders is used to extract this fluid and often involves large open wounds with permanent tubes penetrating the flesh. Bears on these farms are 'milked' twice daily to feed the lucrative medicine industry all over the world, creating a black market for its products. Although this procedure is illegal in the majority of countries, such laws are not being enforced in the Far East, in particular, China. Behind the teddy bear icon we all know, is an horrific practice causing pain and suffering to innocent animals for the purpose of human benefit.


Ryan Baker

To find out more about the object used in this display click here.

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