Fantastic plastic


This project has been undertaken by students taking the National Diploma in Art & Design annually over three years .

Students are asked to choose a plastic item or items to de/reconstruct physically or conceptually. The item can be somthing they already have at home, something found in a charity shop, or something from the museum's collection.

The project provides a means of exploring principles of design methodology, especially the communication of ideas and concepts through 2D and 3D skills, and of gaining understanding of professional practice, especially of health and safety requirements, of copyright issues, and of working to production deadlines.

They were asked to present their ideas using moodboards, maquettes, models and final outcomes. Additionally assessment requirements were:

  • A sketchbook showing research, brainstorms and ideas.
  • A detailed time plan of effective use of time upto the deadline.
  • Health and safety, and copyright notes for relevant processes and sources.
  • Statement of the thought processes underpinning the work.
  • 500 word evaluation of the project.

Each year the students' work has been made in response to the theme of an up-coming MoDiP exhibition to which a selection of the work they made provided a coda. This work, with the specific briefs, can be viewed under the appropriate theme: 2010s and beyond; Encore!; and Substitute.