August 2019

Facial reconstruction of an Ancient Egyptian mummy

28 August 2019
My name is Vanessa Pearson, and I graduated from my degree in Modelmaking at AUB this summer. I spent my final year working on a few interesting projects, one of which was a facial reconstruction of an Ancient Egyptian mummy for the Bournemouth Natural Science Society (BNSS). Although the final...
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Bird Headphones

21 August 2019
Unwanted electrical equipment is the world’s fastest growing type of waste, commonly referred to as e-waste. Of the 30 million tonnes being disposed of each year globally, 15,000 tonnes is attributed specifically to headphones. Technological advances result in many pairs reaching the end of their...
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Plastics Spotting in Portugal

14 August 2019
In May, I visited Lisbon, Portugal for a conference and took the opportunity to do a little plastics spotting whilst I was there. A nice surprise greeted me on the dressing table of my room, Kartell’s Bourgie lamp designed for Kartell by Ferrucio Lavian is such a statement piece. MoDiP has a silver...
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Design to minimise environmental impact

7 August 2019
Our latest pop-up exhibition is on display outside MoDiP on the 1st floor of the AUB Library and accompanies Revolution: environmentally conscious design in plastics . Whilst the latter concentrates on the sustainability of different plastics materials, we thought we would use the pop-up to explore...
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