September 2018

A Plea for Plastics

27 September 2018
Having newly started as the Museum Engagement Officer at MoDiP, I knew the job would have a strong focus on the significance of plastics, but I didn’t realise quite how this would change my everyday perception of the material and my attitude towards it. With a background of conservation and a love...
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w-Rap: a plastics serenade for a synthetic century

17 September 2018
What do you think of plastics? Today they are much in the press. David Attenborough’s Blue Planet touched a nerve and it has become fashionable to go plastics free. There are guides to plastics free festivals, plastics free sports events, and plastics free parties. Archers’ characters, Fallon and...
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Opening Friday

10 September 2018
MoDiP is currently closed until we open our doors to our new exhibition. See through September 2018 - March 2019 Objects are made to be see-through and to be seen through for a number of reasons. Many plastics materials provide designers and manufacturers with translucency, or even complete...
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