June 2018

Beach plastics

26 June 2018
Put the words BEACH and PLASTICS in the same sentence and thoughts go immediately to the current issues of plastics pollution and the damage to the marine environment caused by the improper disposal of single use plastics. But there is a happier way to consider plastics and the beach as I found...
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Expression Through Music

20 June 2018
We recently delivered a project: Expression Through Music, which was the result of a successful project proposal being submitted to the Cultural Hub with us receiving a grant of £2,075 to deliver the project. Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high...
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Washday blues

11 June 2018
Where do you store your laundry basket? For years I have dreamt of having a utility room so that I would have one dedicated space to put all of my clothes washing ‘stuff’. For example, the airer lives in the spare room. It used to live in the garage but has been used so frequently of late that it...
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Guess the object

8 June 2018
MoDiP has the kind of collection that you may think you are very familiar with. We have objects which we all use every day, and some pieces which are more unusual. By looking at this distorted image are you able to guess what the object is? What do you think it could be used for? Post your answer in...
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Our First Focus Group

6 June 2018
Focus groups elicit information about feelings, perceptions, ideas and experience – all qualitative data. They consist of five to ten people who are brought together to talk about a particular subject or project. Participants can be selected to represent particular user groups (families, local...
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