
Project team

The project team consisted of:

  • Susan Lambert, Museum Curator
  • Dan Cox, Knoweldge Exchange Manager
  • Jeremy Pingstone, Industry Consultant

Partner museums

The following people attended either the inaugural workshop of the project, held at the London Transport Museum, on 14 February 2017 or the Masterclass, held at the British Plastics Federation, London, 14 March 2018, or both indicated by + following their name. At both events they provided information about their museum's current state of industry engagement, and contributed other ideas which have helped to shape this resource.

Those with asterisks against their names contributed to the peer-review process, which is on going. Please contact with suggestions for modifications, corrections or additions.

*Andrew Dennis, Cumbria Museum of Military Life

Chris Duffy, Auchtermuchty Food Museum

*Kirsten Forrest +, Alexandra Palace and Park Charitable Trust, London

Gina Foster, Gawthorpe Textiles Collection, Burnley

*Neil Handley +, British Optical Association Museum, London

Carolyne Haynes, Bursledon Brickworks Industrial Museum, Southampton

Terence Heslin, Ramsey Rural Museum

*Sue Hetherington +, Museum of Carpet, Kidderminster

Catherine Holt, Queens and PWRR Regiment Museum, Dover

Tom Hughes, Port Sunlight Village Trust, Wirral

Mirren Hunter, Georgian Theatre Royal, Richmond

Claire Isherwood, Museum of Design and Domestic Architecture (MoDA), Middelesex University

Brian Jennings, Frinton & Walton Heritage Trust

Seoyoung Kim, Kingston Museum

Trevor Monahan, Village Church Farm, Skegness

Anna Rhodes, Macclesfield Silk Museum

Bronwen Simpson, Hat Works, Museum of Hatting, Stockport

Yvette Shepherd, Museum of London

Janet Slee, Andrew Logan Museum of Sculpture, Berriew

*Victoria Whitson, Wycombe Museum, High Wycombe