March 2024

House of Commons visit

27 March 2024
On Monday 18th March, my colleague Dr Christian McLening, Director of Research and Development at AUB, and I were invited to join the University of Birmingham at the launch of their Sustainable Plastics Policy Commission at the House of Commons, London. We were invited on the back of our successful...
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Bright Horizons: Eco-plastic Detectives

20 March 2024
Last week we had the pleasure of welcoming the Talbot Woods Bright Horizons Nursery group to explore the magic of plastics and benefits of recycling. Our program began with a tour of the library where the students were dazzled by the current library exhibit, Strange Nature: Costumes Inspired by...
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Seen and unseen - Utilities

13 March 2024
The aim of the Seen and unseen exhibition is to show objects that are we perhaps don’t see even though they might be right in front of us, we don’t notice them or pay them much attention. It also has objects that are literally part of the hidden infrastructure that we don’t see because it is under...
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European House of History - External Loan

6 March 2024
Recently some of our objects have been featured at the European House of History in their temporary exhibit, Throwaway. “Throwaway” is a project that unearths the hidden history of waste in Europe while simultaneously highlighting its significance as a marker of social change. Starting with the...
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