Reuse - PET bottles

25 October 2023

One of the most widely used, and therefore recycled, item of packaging is probably the drinks bottle. The purpose of such a bottle is to, first and foremost, contain a liquid. It acts as a barrier between the drink and the outside world, as such, it prevents contamination and ensures that the drink is as fresh as it can be for the consumer at the point of purchase. Once the bottle has served its primary objective, it usually then becomes rubbish. At this point it can either go to landfill, which would be a waste of resource, be incinerated, where it could generate some electrical energy, or it can be recycled to become useful again. Recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET), the material used to make most drinks bottles, can be used to manufacture a variety of products.  We have many examples of objects made from recycled PET bottles, some of which are on display in our current exhibition Reuse.  These include:

A red and black pushchair or stroller.

Greentom Upp classic stroller, AIBDC : 007265


An upside down kerb 'stone', showing that it is hollow.

Durakerb, AIBDC : 006120


A white paper-like lamp shade with folds and spirals.

Mendori lampshade, AIBDC : 007064


Search the collection for other objects made from recycled materials.


Louise Dennis

Curator of MoDiP