About the collection

How many objects?

MoDiP has around 11,500 objects in the collection - to find out more about the types of objects have a look at the About us pages or search the collections.

How do you acquire your objects?

Objects come into the collection by various means. Many pieces have been donated to us, some are loaned to us (for example the Plastics Historical Society's and the Worshipful Company of Horner's collections), and others have been purchased by the museum.

To find out why we acquire certain objects have a look at the MoDiP collection page where you will find the Collection Development Policy.

Where do you keep all these objects?

We have a number of small stores on campus where we house all of our objects. Each object is allocated a unique number and a catalogue record where we record its location with a room, shelf, and box number. This level of detail helps us to find the object when we require it.


Roller racking

What is the oldest piece in the collection?

The oldest piece in our collection is a shoe horn from the Worshipful Company of Horners' collection and is dated 1612.