Plastics into products

We are piloting this resource. Please help us develop it: try it out and let us know what you think, contact us on

Plastics into products: a pilot resource

The modern world is made of plastics. Since the 1970s, plastics, in their multitude of varieties, have had more uses in manufacture than any other category of material. Different plastics have different properties and can be manufactured in different ways. Their properties and means of manufacture affect the uses to which they are put. This learning resource enables you to explore the properties of different plastics materials and the processes used to make them into products through an examination of the resulting products.

Its target audience is those interested in familiarising themselves with issues underpinning the study of materials and of design in relation to plastics. It aims to help you understand the:

  • range of different plastics available.
  • properties of different plastics.
  • appropriate uses to which to put different plastics.
  • the appropriate manufacturing processes to use for different types of plastics and products.

It will cover the materials and processes listed below but for the purposes of the pilot we have focussed on styrenes and injection moulding. if you wish to test your knowledge click on test under materials or processes below where you will find a range of products made of a mixture of styrenes or products manufactured in a variety of ways.


  • Cellulosics
  • Fibre reinforced plastics
  • Formaldehydes
  • Polycarbonate
  • Polyesters
  • Polymethyl methacrylate
  • Polyolefines
  • Polypropylenes
  • Styrenes
  • Vinyl chlorides
  • Test


  • Blow moulding
  • Compression moulding
  • Cutting and welding
  • Extrusion
  • Fabrication
  • Injection moulding
  • Rotational moulding
  • Thermoforming
  • Test