A different view

Plastic Vanitas, Mariele Neudecker, 2015

29 September 2021
Six years ago, MoDiP hosted an international conference called Provocative Plastics , which took place over two days at the Arts University Bournemouth to explore the past, present and future potential of plastics. At the same time, we had an exhibition of photographs on display in TheGallery by...
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Exhibition space

9 June 2021
For MoDiP’s latest collaborative exhibition with TheGallery , we thought it would be interesting to celebrate the theme of space given that 2021 marks both the 30th anniversary of the first ever British person to enter space and the 5th anniversary of the first ever British spacewalk. We started...
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My plastics at home: part 4

24 March 2021
Spending so much time at home has really made me appreciate those little items around me that perhaps I was drawn to at the time of purchase, but to which I have since paid little attention. One such object is a waste-paper basket (see image below). On the face of it, a waste-paper basket isn’t...
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Synthetica: a toxic enchantment ONLINE

16 September 2020
Synthetica is a chamber opera about plastics with libretto and music by Karen Wimhurst, created during her residency at MoDiP. Following my post of 22 July, I am pleased to share the good news that Arts Council England have agreed that, because of the shut down of theatres caused by Covid 19, we can...
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Lockdown: a force for creative innovation

22 July 2020
Working in a museum situated in an arts university opens up special avenues. We are particularly keen to involve artists in interpreting the museum’s subject and have been pleased to host residencies of the fine artist, Mariele Neudecker, and the musician, Karen Wimhurst, both supported by Arts...
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Sewing Machines – fabulous in form and function

8 July 2020
In this current time of staying and working at home, certain objects have become increasingly important to our lives. We are advised to use certain objects, for example soap, hand sanitisers and masks. These objects have become vital to how we live. In our homes, certain objects may have become...
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Provocative Plastics

24 June 2020
Sparkling chair There’s always work to be done if you work in a museum. One of the things I love about a museum career is its variety – researching the collection, working out how to add to it effectively, telling stories about it, talking to people who are interested in its subject area and making...
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Sand Play

10 June 2020
Scrunch-bucket Although cultural venues have had to close their doors for the time being, there is still work going on behind the scenes: our Collections Officer is still keeping a careful eye on the physical state of MoDiP’s collections, with periodic visits to ensure that there are no problems...
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International Museum Day

13 May 2020
Monday 18th May 2020 is International Museum Day, an event that has been running since 1977 with the objective of raising awareness that museums are an important agency for cultural exchange. Last year 37,000 museums across the world participated in this celebration from 158 different countries and...
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Closing the museum for lockdown

6 May 2020
On receiving notice that the AUB campus would be closing from 5pm on Friday 20th March 2020, in line with the Government’s country-wide lockdown for COVID-19, the MoDiP team had only a few days to get the museum organised. We had just completed the installation of our latest exhibition, Being me...
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Eat in or take out

29 April 2020
With the lockdown taking hold and working from home, I am finding that snacking has become a real personal issue for me. I am up and down from my computer looking in the cupboard to see if there are any biscuits, of course there aren’t any because I have eaten them all. However, it has made me think...
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The Bioform bra

22 April 2020
MoDiP’s current exhibition, Being me: plastics and the body , contains one case focusing on shaping the body looking at some of the ways in which plastics have been used to change the appearance of the human form. As an example, we chose to feature the Wonderbra , an instantly recognisable and...
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