Introduction - Collections Officer

30 November 2023

Hello All,

My name is Shannon Carr and I just wanted to take a quick minute to introduce myself as the new Collections Officer at MoDiP!

New Collections Officer - Shannon Carr

I began working in this role on November 6th and have already been involved in many exciting projects. Within my first week, I assisted in providing MoDiP collection items for use in AUB’s Modelmaking and Foundation courses, prepared new objects for an ongoing international loan and facilitated research opportunities within our archive. The following few weeks have been no less entertaining, consisting of cataloguing new objects and continuing a comprehensive audit of the collection. Everyday I am learning more about the extensive world of plastics and could not be more excited to be a part of the MoDiP team!

As a child I was mesmerized with museums of all varieties and their unique collections. I found it fascinating that roles existed for people to care for and educate others about these treasures – so I set my sights on becoming one of those people. In 2016, I began towards an MA in Heritage and Museum Sciences. Throughout this program I worked as a Collections Assistant within the Anthropology/Archaeology division at the Museum of Texas Tech University and gained valuable experiences in overall collections care and preventive management. After graduation in 2018, I started working as the Museum Assistant the Fort Bend Museum in Richmond, Texas. In this position, I continued gaining experience in maintaining collections of various focuses, along with planning and preparing exhibitions and educational events. Then in 2022, I uprooted my cat and moved to the UK to participate in the Bioarchaeology MSc program at Bournemouth University.

Having fallen in love with England during my first year here, I began applying for jobs as soon as my dissertation was completed and jumped at the opportunity to work with MoDiP and AUB. Fortunately, I was selected for the role and have relished learning all about this wonderful collection with the support and guidance of the MoDiP team. I look forward to the future of MoDiP and am thrilled to play a part in it.

Watch this space for more content of the collection and if you have any suggestions for future blog posts, we would love to hear them!

Shannon Carr, MoDiP Collections Officer