What could this be?

17 November 2011
MoDiP has the kind of collection that you may think you are very familiar with. We have objects which we all use every day, and some pieces which are more unusual.

By looking at this distorted image are you able to guess what the object is? What do you think it could be used for?


Post your answer in the comments below or to find the answer click here and you will be taken to the MoDiP catalogue.

Louise Dennis (Assistant Curator)


a kettle

Anonymous (not verified) | 18 November 2011 - 10:04 | Permalink

More specificly an Alessi Kettle designed by Michael Graves introduced in 1985. I don't know what plastics have been used but the steel is high grade stainless steel(18/10) the numbers refer to the amount of chromium and Nickle used in the steel.
Does anyone know anything about the plastic bird?

PJ (not verified) | 18 November 2011 - 10:39 | Permalink

Hi, it looks very posh! Could it be the ALESSI Bird Kettle from Utility?


Fee (not verified) | 18 November 2011 - 10:47 | Permalink

It looks like my husband in a baggy jumper flying a kite at hengistbury head on a cloudy but dry day with seagulls bobbing in the froth looking for the odd fish for their lunch....

Anonymous (not verified) | 18 November 2011 - 11:31 | Permalink