Site design and feedback

This website was built for MoDiP by Adaptive Technologies Ltd.

The website is based on the Drupal open source content management system and uses customised Apache Solr to handle the collection search. The collection data displayed in the website is extracted from a MODES collection management system.

User experience and prototype design was by Danny Hope; programming, Solr integration, taxonomy and CSS work was led by Rob Bartlett; the project was managed by Phil Blume, who also designed some of the content.

We thank Steve Purkiss for illuminating the darker corners of Drupal; Dan Bohea for his assistance with CSS; and Richard Light for his patience in explaining the inner workings of MODES.

The content was originated by Susan Lambert, Louise Dennis and Pam Langdown of MoDiP.

If you have any questions about the site design, or find parts that do not work as you would expect or can be improved in some way, please send your comments to: