Dr David Lund

David is a Senior Lecturer on the BA (Hons) Modelmaking and BA (Hons) Design courses at AUB, and his PhD thesis examined the historical development of the professionally-made architectural model in Britain. Interested in the making of models, the modelmakers who make them, and the materials used in their construction, his research payed particularly close attention to the role of plastics within architectural modelmaking following the introduction of Perspex during the late-1930s. With plastics having been central to the post-war boom in architectural modelmaking during the 1950s, and having enabled the adoption of potentially competing digital technologies during the 1990s, the intrinsic adaptability of plastics emerged as a central theme of the research.


Perspex model of Centrepoint made by Nick Quine in 1963. London: AMI
Perspex model of Centrepoint made by Nick Quine in 1963. London: AMI