Plastic Molding and Plant Management


Dearle, D.A., 1944. Plastic Molding and Plant Management. Chemical Publishing Company, New York. This book covers the following: Chapter I The thermosetting plastics - Trade names - Manufacturers - The Phenolics - The 'Ureas' - 'Melamines' - Molded laminates - Molding board - Chapter II - Thermoplastic materials - trade names - manufacturers - Cellulose Nitrate - Cellulose acetate - Cellulose acetate-butyrate - Ethyl cellulose - The acrylics - Polystyrene - Polyvinyl chloride - Polyvinylidene chloride - Polyvinyl chloride-acetate copolymer - Chapter III Molds: Their construction and maintenance - the mold components - Steels used - Design - Hobs - Knockout mechanisms - Numbering cavities - Die repairs - Shimmering - Grinding - Interchangeability of cavities - Polishing - Storage - Chapter IV Compression molding - loading racks - Purchasing the materials - Die insulation - Required pressures - Heating - Setting up the mold - Breaking in the die - Cycle time - Gassing - Temperature and cure - Checking dimensions - Approval of samples - Setting standards - Changing dies - Keeping mold records - Thermosetting materials - Chapter V - Injection molding - Selecting the material - Preparing for the new mold - Setting up the mold - Determining the conditions - Flash - Sticking - Lightweights - Shrink marks - Burn marks - Bubbles - Disposition of scrap Changing colors - Solvents for thermoplastic materials - Keeping the records - Thermoplastic materials - Chapter VI - Problems of production - Anticipated production - Most economical mold - Duplicate dies - Peak production - Down-time. Chapter VII - Cost control - Cost of thermosetting materials - Cost of thermoplastic materials - Overhead expenditures - Overtime expenses - Chapter VIII - Custom and proprietary molds - Definitions - Terms of acceptance - mold longevity - Cost of molds - Sales possibilities - Patents - Combination molds - Chapter IX - Molding plant management - Personnel selection - Self-contained and system types presses - Performing equipment - Sample cavities - Raw materials - Powder storage - Compounding the Phenolics - Labor costs - Tools and tool repairs - product rejections - Profit and loss statement - Unit cost per dollar - Chapter X Questions and answers - Design - Production - Volume costs - Material constituents - Weights - Color costs - Comparative molding costs - Adding cavities - Transparents - Chapter XI Future applications - Building construction - Furniture - Automotive - Field - Aeronautics - Heatronic molding - jet molding - conclusion

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